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Indian Classical Music

Rare and Unique Recordings Echoing Fourteen Generations

Shraddhanjali Ragam Vachaspati K. Sridhar
Shraddhanjali Pt 2 Vachaspati K. Sridhar
Live From Tours '85 Charukesi K. Sridhar
Thumri in Mishra Kafi K. Sridhar

Shraddhanjali - Part 1 & 2
K. Sridhar - Sarod

Shankh Lahiri - Tabla

© 2021, SK Music, UK


This live recording of Ragam Vachaspati is dedicated to Sridhar's mother,  It's a chance to hear the rhythmic precision of Carnatic music blended with the tonal musicality of Hindustani music.

Live From Tours '85
K. Sridhar - Sarod

Arjun Shejwal - Pakhawaj

© 2021, SK Music, UK


This live recording was made in Tours, France, and features Raga Charukesi in Dhrupad Style with a gat in chautal.  It's followed by Raga Bhairavi.

Thumri in Mishra Kafi at Valhalla
K. Sridhar - Sarod

NShankh Lahiri - Tabla

© 2021, SK Music, UK


Recorded live in front of an appreciative  audience that developed over numerous years. of listening to the breadth of Sridhar's music.  The mood is playful. 

Le Matin a Paris Ahir Bhairav K. Sridhar

Le Matin a Paris
K. Sridhar - Sarod

N. V. Murthy - Tabla

© 2020, SK Music, UK


This digital only release features Raga Ahir Bhairav.  It is meant for the early morning hours of contemplation.

Live from Bombay '63 Dhrupad Bihag K. Sridhar

Live From Bombay '63
K. Sridhar - Sarod

© 2020, SK Music, UK


At 15 years of age, Sridhar performs Raga Bihag in a house concert for his guru, Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar.  This is pure beenkar style within Dhrupad music.

Live From Singapore 84 jugalbandhi Madhuvanti

Live From Singapore '84
K. Sridhar - Sarod
K. Shivakumar - Violin

© 2020, SK Music, UK


This digital only release features a Hindustani/Carnatic jugalbabndhi of Raga Madhuvanti by two brothers. (captured live).

Live from Paris '82 Bhimpalasi K. Sridhar
Live From Paris Vol 2 Latangi K. Sridhar
Live from Bangalore '81 Marwa K. Sridhar
Live from Bangalore Vol 2 Bhairavi K. Sridhar
Live in Stockholm 1991 CD K. Sridhar Shuddh Todi

Live From Paris '82, Vol 1 & 2
K. Sridhar - Sarod
N. V. Murthi - Tabla

© 2020, SK Music, UK


These 2 digital only releases were originally captured on tape by a family friend and steward of Indian culture, Amala Devi.  Vol 1 featured Raga Bhiimpalasi and Vol 2 features the Carnatic raga known as Latangi.

Live From Bangalore '81, Vol. 1 & 2
K. Sridhar - Sarod
N. V. Murthi - Tabla

© 2020, SK Music, UK


Vol 1 features Raga Marwa and Vol 2 features Raga Bhairavi.  These were transferred from cassette and they are live recordings that have been cleaned up.  Enjoy hearing Sridhar at the height of his concert career in India.

Live In Sweden 1991
K. Sridhar - Sarod
Sopan Dev - Tabla

© 2019, Country and Eastern, Sweden


This digital only release features Raga Shuddh Todi, a raga best listened to in the early mornings.  Read a review here.

Bhaktanjali CD Jaijaivanti K. Sridhar

K. Sridhar - Sarod

Michael Griska - Tanpuri

Munsie Davis - Tanpura

© 2019, Naada Yoga Productions, USA


Raga Jaijaivanti is a versatile raga capable of expressing many moods.  In this live recording, K. Sridhar gives it a haunting quality.  His training in both the Carnatic and Hindustani traditions make him uniqely capable of rendering this in the beenkar style which is based on the capablities of the veena.

Afternoon Meditations Madhmad Sarong Bhimpalasi Maand K. Sridhar

Afternoon Meditations
K. Sridhar - Sarod
Naren Budhakar - Tabla

© 2018, SK Music, UK


The first two tracks are tonal explorations for students of naad yoga without any tabla accompaniment.  They are based on Raga Madhmad Sarong and Raga Bhimpalasi.  The third track is in a lighter mood, based on Raga Maand, and with tabla accompaniment.

Ocean of Peace Roopeshvari K. Sridhar

Ocean of Peace
K. Sridhar - Sarod
Naren Budhakar - Tabla

© 2012, Naada Yoga Productions, USA


Perhaps the only recording in existence of Raga Roopeshvari, this live recording was from a concert sponsored by the University of Virginia's Center for South Asian Studies.  Little editing was done in order to keep the ambiance of the exceptionally warm audience.

Afternoon Melodies Puriya Kalyan and Darbari K. Sridhar

Afternoon Melodies
K. Sridhar - Sarod

© 2015, SK Music, UK

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This digital only release features two Hindustani afternoon ragas, Puriya Kalyan and Darbari.  They were first recorded onto cassette at a performance in India.

Krishnamurti Brothers Raga Des SK Music

Krishnamurti Brothers, Vol. 2
K. Sridhar - Sarod
K. Shivakumar - Violin

© 2015, SK Music, UK

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This digital only release was converted from a cassette and features 76 minutes of Raga Des by two brothers fully trained in both Hindustani and Carnatic classical music..

Listen to it in the morning while unhurried in order to savor the alaap.

Krishnamurti Brothers Dhrupad Kirwani and Bhairavi

Krishnamurti Brothers, Vol 1.
K. Sridhar - Sarod
K. Shivakumar - Violin

© 2015, SK Music, UK

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This digital only release is a jugalbandi by two brothers who both studied the Dhrupad style from Z.M. Dagar.  It features Ragas Kirwani and Bhairavi.

Swaranjali Raga Keervani K. Sridhar Naada Yoga Productions

K. Sridhar - Sarod
Sandeep Hattangady - Tabla

© 2008, Naada Yoga Productions, USA


Swar is a Sanskrit word for note or tone.  Anjali is a hand posture (mudra) used to send up an offering or salutation to the Divine.  This performance of Raga Keervani was captured live at an evening concert at the "Awakening the Heart" Sufi Conference.

Rare Ragas and Talas K. Sridhar Country and Eastern

Rare Ragas and Talas
K. Sridhar - Sarod
Sopan Dev - Tabla

© 2008, Country and Eastern, Sweden


Raags Shanmukhapriya and  Charukesi have only recently been adapted from the Carnatic tradition into the Hindustani repertoire.  The heroic mood of Shanmukhapriya is set to an 8-½ beat rhythmic cycle known as ardhashtakam.  The compassionate and devotional mood of Charukesi is set to an 11 beat rhythmic cycle known as chartal-ki-aavari.

Food For The Soul CD

Food for the Soul
K. Sridhar - Sarod
Sopan Dev - Tabla

© 2008, Naada Yoga Productions, USA


Raga Charukeshee with alap, jhor, and jhalla then gat in teental is an evening raga to be heard after sunset.  This Hindustani rendition of a Carnatic raga is dedicated to K. Sridhar's first guru and mother, Smt. Rajalakshmi who was a renowned vocalist in her time.  The mood is devotional.


"Sridhar's sophisticated use of laya (variations in tempo against the underlying beat) requires the tabla player to do everything he can to simply hold the beat down."

- Teed Rockwell, India Currents, USA


Ocean of Sound Vol 2 K. Sridhar and K. Shivakumar

Ocean of Sound, Vol. 2
K. Sridhar - Sarod

K. Shivakumar - Violin
Anil Datar - Tabla

© 2001, Eight Gates Music, USA

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The morning raga Todi expresses both heroic and devotional moods.  It has six notes in the ascent and seven notes in the descent.  The raga begins with alap, jhor, and jhalla followed by two compositions set to a rhythmic cycle of 16 beats (teental).

Ocean of Sound Eight Gates Music K. Sridhar CD

Ocean of Sound
K. Sridhar - Sarod
Anil Datar - Tabla

© 1999, Eight Gates Music, USA

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Raga Bilaskhani Todi is an elegant morning raga whose mood is compassion.  It is to be heard in the quiet early hours of dawn.  Consisting of alap, jhor, and jhalla; it has a rising pentatonic scale and a falling septatonic scale.  Raga Bairagi continues the early morning mood of contemplation.

Madhukauns and Piloo Amigo Musik K. Sridhar

Ragas Madhukauns and Piloo
K. Sridhar - Sarod
N.V. Murthy - Tabla

© 1999, Amigo Musik, Sweden


Raga Madhukauns is an evening raga blending two ragas, Madhuvanti and Jog.  The mood is wonderous (adbhuta).  After a short alap, the composition is set to rupaktal (7 beats).  Raga Piloo is a light evening raga in the romantic thumri style.  The gat is in dadratal (6 beats) then teental (16 beats).


"Building up into dizzying crescendos, the final passage in raga Piloo is almost heartstopping in its intensity."

- Robert M. Tilendis, Green Man Review, USA

Nadanjali Raga Malkauns K. Sridhar Auvidis

K. Sridhar - Sarod
Sandip Bhattacharya - Tabla

© 1990, Auvidis, France


This is the night raga Malkauns with a pentatonic scale of five notes.  Recognition of the slow developmental quality within the Beenkar style of the Dhrupad school is shown by the length of the recording.  The mood is heroic and majestic.


"Sridhar is an important musician, an outstanding sarod-player."

- John Storm Roberts, All Music Guide, USA

Shringar CD Real World Records

K. Sridhar - Sarod
K. Shivakumar - Violin

G.S. Sabri - Tabla
© 1989, Real World Records, UK


This duet or jugalbandhi features a rarely heard combination of sarod and violin.  Raga Bageshri is a late evening raga using all seven notes on the scale.  Recorded here is the deliberate unfolding of alap, jhor, jhala.  Also recorded live, Raga Bhairavi's alap is followed by a vilambit gat in dadratal then a drut gat in teental.  It ends in a dialogue between sarod, violin, and tabla.


"...contemplative renderings that focus on spiritual depth rather than technique."

- John Storm Roberts, All Music Guide, USA

Krishnamurti Sridhar Raga Kaushik Kanada

Raga Kaushik Kanada
K. Sridhar - Sarod
Madhukar Kothare - Tabla

© 1983, Auvidis, France


1984 Grand Prix Audiovisuel de L'Europe


Vinyl Edition Available


An evening raga, Kaushik Kanada is built and developed all the way to the end as is typical in the Dhrupad style. 


"Sridhar does not try to astonish us or dazzle us with his brilliance but gives us music of overwhelming warmth and intensity and a rare quality of emotion."

- Alain Swietlik, TELERAMA, France

Eastern Fusion Music

Fresh Perspectives on Musical Roots

Bitter Funeral Beer Band Live in Frankfurt 82

Live in Frankfurt 82
Bitter Funeral Beer Band, Featuring:
K. Sridhar - Sarod
Don Cherry - Trumpet

© 2007, Country and Eastern, Sweden


2008 Sweedish Grammy Nomination.


Bitter Funeral Beer Band was an early world music group that mixed African funeral music, Indian music, and jazz improvisation with a Nordic touch.  This archival recording captures the soulful keening of the fourteen member band.


"Utterly mesmerizing musically Afro-Indian-European teamwork.

- Ken Hunt, Jazzwise, UK

Krishna Lila CD DJ Cheb i Sabbah

Krishna Lila
Various Artists
© 2002, Six Degrees Records, USA


2002 - #1 on USA World Music Charts


Dj Cheb i Sabbah strings together a mala of devotional gems from both North and South India.  Modern trance dance sounds are blended with timeless bhakti bhajan melodies to create a sound that is reverential, accessible, and liberating.  Like the best incense, the fragrance of these tunes lingers in the mind.


"With K. Sridhar on sarod and

K. Shivakumar on violin dialoguing for an 11-minute raga, it's full circle back to the original trance music."

- John Dilberto, Pulse, USA

Arabandi East meets East K. Sridhar Zohar Fresco S. Amir Taiseer Elias

K. Sridhar - Sarod
Zohar Fresco - Percussion

S. Amir - Ney & Vocals
Taiseer Elias - Oud & Violin

© 1999, Naada Records, Israel


Arabandi emerged from the meeting of exceptionally gifted international musicians from diverse eastern cultures - Persian, Arabic, Hindustani - with a desire to explore the common roots of these traditions and their instruments.  In contrast to other musical encounters between East and West, Arabandi is a unique fusion of East and East.


"When he solos on these melodies, the techniques he learned from his Karnatik and Hindustani teachers blends in so naturally that he seems to have been playing this style of music all his life."

- Teed Rockwell, India Currents, USA

Shri Durga CD by DJ Cheb i Sabbah

Shri Durga 
Various Artists

© 1999, Six Degrees Records, USA"s - Best of 1999


Shri Durga samples the musical spices of North India blended by DJ Cheb i Sabbah.  Ancient raga structure is used to make a curry of sarod, sarangi, sitar, tanbura, tabla, dutan, and dholak as well as Hindu and Moslem vocal styles.  THe mood is set with respectful use of samples from mantra, chanting, prayers, invocations, and nature sounds.


"Sridhar makes his first appearance on 'track 4 with a hushed solo alap in Raga Jog where pensive notes are held, twisted, and ushered into silence.  This spellbinding track is the heart of the album:  pure raga without rhythm."

- Peter Lavezolli, The Dawn of Indian Music in the West, USA

K. Sridhar and Adel Salameh Sarod Oud duet

Arab Path to India
K. Sridhar - Sarod
Adel Salameh - Oud

© 1996, WOMAD Select, UK


Two world renowned musicians create innovative transcendent music exploring the connection between Arabic and Hindustani musical roots.  With their shared scales, tones, and techniques these two related instruments blend well whether the improvisation is based on a raga or a makam.


"This is not an album of music to get you dancing around the house, but one to be played in those quiet moments when the refinement and sheer skill of the playing can be appreciated."
- Venue, UK

Live Concert DVD's

Memorable Evenings Captured Live on Video

Rasanjali DVD K. Sridhar performs Zilla Kafi

K. Sridhar - Sarod
Sandeep Hattangady - Tabla

© 2010, Naada Yoga Productions, USA


Raga Zilla-Kafi is performed in a more ornate style known as thumri.  Although only 35 minutes in length, this gem highlighted a concert organized by devoted listeners.  The video footage has the feel and intimacy of a home movie, not slick, but full of rasa (emotion) which suits the folk origins of this raga.

Live at Duke DVD K. Sridhar plays Marwa

Live at Duke
K. Sridhar - Sarod
Anil Datar - Tabla

© 2006, Eight Gates Music, USA

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Raag Marwa is a rarely performed sunset raga, perhaps because of the challenge it poses to the musician.  One of the strings is tuned to a note forbidden to be struck.  K. Sridhar's rendition is profound, fierce, and skillful.  Raag Bhairavi in thumri style concludes the performance.

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